Archive for the disturbing the peace Category

Boston Anonymous member has to stay away from Scientology

Posted in Anonymous, Anonymous organizer, Boston, Boston Municipal Court, continuance without a finding, disturbing an assembly of worship, disturbing the peace, harassment, leader, masked, Massachusetts, prison, scientology, stay away, trespassing on October 27, 2008 by secretdox

Boston Anonymous member has to stay away from Scientology

Short News is running an article about Massachusetts-based Anonymous organizer Gregg Housh. He pled at the Boston Municipal Court last Wednesday to stay away from the Church of Scientology after agreeing that the facts alleged against him were true.  These facts include harassment, disturbing the peace and disturbing religious worship.

The agreement, called a “Continuance without a Finding” and sealed by the judge for one year, was welcomed by both parties. Should Housh violate the agreement he faces one year in prison.

Housh was the one who also led a group of masked Anonymous members into the Boston Scientology church in March, which the Church considered to be trespassing and harassment.


Posted in Anonymous, Back Bay, Boston, Boston Municipal Court, church of scientology, cyber terrorists, Department of Justice, destruction, distrupt, disturbing religious services, disturbing the peace, Dmitriy Guzner, felony charges, finding of guilt, Gregg Housh, Guzner, House of Correction, leader, Massachusetts, New Jersey, order, plead guilty, prison, religious services, scientology, South End, stay away, websites, Woburn on October 27, 2008 by secretdox



Gregg Housh

BOSTON – A Woburn, Massachusetts man (Gregg Housh) was ordered to stay away from the Church of Scientology of Boston for one year after admitting he disrupted religious services there in February 2008.

In the Boston Municipal Court, Gregg Housh, 32, admitted to facts sufficient to warrant a finding of guilt on charges of disturbing the peace and disturbing religious services for leading a February 10, 2008 disturbance at the Boston Church of Scientology.  Housh’s case was continued for one year, the terms of which include a court order to stay away from the Church of Scientology of Boston’s locations in the Back Bay and the South End.  

Housh is the self-proclaimed leader of the Boston cell of an underground cyber-terrorist group called Anonymous.  He is the second member of Anonymous to face criminal charges in the past week for acts committed against a Scientology Church.  On Friday October 17th, The U.S. Department of Justice announced the filing of federal criminal charges against New Jersey Anonymous member Dmitriy Guzner related to the January, 2008 attempted destruction of websites owned by the Church of Scientology.  Guzner has agreed to plead guilty to felony charges that could send him to prison for ten years.

At the October 21 hearing, Boston Municipal Court Judge Thomas C. Horgan warned Housh that if he violates any of the terms of his probation he could face one year in the House of Correction.

For further information:

Marc La Casse, Esq.
The McCormack Firm, LLC
One International Place
Boston, MA 02110
Gerard Renna
Church of Scientology of Boston
448 Beacon Street
Boston, MA 02115


Posted in alarm, anarchists, Anonymous, Beacon Street, Boston, Boston Municipal Court, church of scientology, criminal harassment, District Attorney, disturbing an assembly of worship, disturbing the peace, Gregg, Gregg Housh, harassment, Housh, Judge Thomas C. Horgan, prosecutors, protest, Protester, scientology, Suffolk, Woburn on October 23, 2008 by secretdox


Oct. 22, 2008 


A Boston Municipal Court judge today continued for one year the case against a Woburn man alleged to have disturbed proceedings at the Back Bay Church of Scientology earlier this year, and will dismiss the case if the defendant abides by certain conditions during that time. 

Judge Thomas C. Horgan imposed a one-year continuance without a finding in the case against GREGG HOUSH (D.O.B. 10/17/76), who had been charged with disturbing an assembly of worship and disturbing the peace. 

If Housh stays away from the Back Bay headquarters of the Church of Scientology and its expected new headquarters in Boston’s South End, and if he does not re-offend in any other manner, those charges will be dismissed. If he does not abide by those terms, Housh’s case could be put back on track for trial. 

Also in today’s proceedings, Suffolk prosecutors affirmatively moved to dismiss an additional charge of criminal harassment against Housh. After a review of the evidence, prosecutors determined they could not meet their burden of proof beyond a reasonable doubt on this charge and could not in good faith move forward with it. 

Had the case gone to trial, prosecutors would have introduced evidence and testimony to show that Housh and others entered the Church of Scientology’s Beacon Street building in a boisterous manner during a March 1 protest, disturbing the proceedings and alarming those inside. 

Attorney Michael Dlott represented Housh.